

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • July 10, 2018


Event Date : 2018-07-6

For the 75th series of PYCF, we had invited Dr Hari Sharma, Assistant Professor, Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur. The program started with a welcome note by Ms. Bandana Adhikari, EGH Coordinator and continued by the brief introduction of speaker. Dr. Sharma had his presentation on the topic entitled “Conservation of the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) in Nepal: Predicting Red Panda Distribution, Habitat Use, and Assessing  People’s Attitude  Towards Conservation”. He started his presentation with the description of red panda’s distribution, habitat use, body size, behavior and cultural relation in Nepal. He discussed on major three issues; people’s attitude towards red panda conservation, Red panda habitat selection at local scale and potential distribution of Red panda in Nepal. He disseminated the methods used in the survey of Red panda and discussed about various models used to identify the potential habitat of Red panda in Nepal. Dr. Sharma talked about the threats faced by Red panda due to climate change, habitat fragmentation and destruction due to deforestation. He concluded by highlighting the gaps in the research of Red panda and way forwards.

On a slightly different note, trainees of R Programming training organized from 25 – 31 May 2018 were handed with the certification of completion by Dr. Gauri Shankar Bhandari, Research Associate at Resources Himalaya Foundation. The program ended with closing remarks and vote of thanks by Dr. Ramji Bogati, Board Member of Resources Himalaya Foundation and handed token of love to our guest speaker.

Total participants= 49


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